Pioneer Of English Latest Cue Cards Jan to Apr 2024 Describe Someone You Know Who Often Help Others?

Describe Someone You Know Who Often Help Others?

often help others

Describe someone you know who often helps others?

You should say:

  • What does he/she like?

  • How does he/she help others?

  • Why is his/her help beneficial?

  • And explain why he/she helps others.

Sample Answer 1:


As the famous saying goes, those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. Today I would like to take this opportunity to talk about a person who loves to help others.

What does she like?

She is highly educated, extremely sophisticated, and well-cultured. She has brunette hair with blue eyes, which suits her personality a lot. Moreover, she looks very dapper in a dark silk suit. She is none other than my maternal aunt Mrs. Rohini Sharma.

How does she help others?

She is a seasoned hockey player who uses her knowledge effectively to bring a paradigm shift in the lives of poor children who are living in slum areas, and her approach works like a charm as it brings the lives of poor children on an impressive growth trajectory. Moreover, she also provides the hockey uniform and accessories without charge. Not only this, she also provides two meals of healthy diets to children who are playing hockey in her club. Other than that, she also organisms campaigns at schools, colleges, and in society to make people aware of their physical fitness.

often helps others

often helps others

Apart from this, she also provide tuition classes, which are also free of charge in the evening. She believes in the quote that “if we educate our children, then we are able to make developments in our nation.”

Why is his/her help beneficial?

Her help is beneficial for many people. Because of her, thousands of poor people also have a chance to study and are able to maintain physical fitness.

And explain why she helps others.

Being an altruist and philanthropist, she has a craze to help others. Moreover, she follows the rule in her life that “service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”

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